Known and Unknown Interesting facts about Twitter

Twitter is one of the Social networking giant which is familiar for its microblogging service. Twitter is better for celebrities to stay connected with their fans, for organizations to maintain the realationship with their customers and for peoples who are all willing to pass short messages to their friends. One of the advantage in Twitter is to follow and unfollow people is easy one than other social networking sites. We can follow and unfollow people with in seconds and there is no formalities like word verification. Also Twitter has another great service 'Verify account' in order to identify the original profiles and to follow.

Orkut tricks - Impress your friends by writing testimonials

Writing testimonials is one of the best way of impressing your friends. This feature is not only in Orkut, many of the companies providing this feature on their websites to receive testimonials from their customers, clients and other officials. Testimonials describe about a person's characteristics and behaviour. The best definition for testimonial is 'Positive feedback of a person by others'. Many people does not care about writing testimonials. But it is one of the best way of finding good friends, know about others and impress others. Orkut is one of the Social networking giant, it is having million numbers of users worldwide. Let we see how to write better orkut testimonials to impress your friends.

Tancet councelling guide for M.E/M.TECH - part I

Tancet councelling for ME/M.TECH is going now. Its started on 17th Aug for GATE students and 18th Aug for NON-GATE students. Here i have listed what are the courses getting filled soon on the first day of the councelling and what are the colleges are getting filled on the first day onwards. This list will useful for who are all attending the next day of the councelling and also next upcoming year students. Tancet councelling for MBA and MCA almost getting over and only very few colleges are still available. These will filled very soon. This time(2010) many of the students got good marks in Tancet exam and there will be a competition in choosing a good college for their higher studies.

Facebook keeping user-deleted contents

The world's largest social networking giant Facebook recently achived the bigger with the announcement of its 500 million monthly active users from around the world. Facebook hit the 250 million monthly active users in July 2009. Since then, the site has doubled in size and now it has the population of the third biggest country in the world. From this the estimation shows the site is gaining about 5 million new users in a week. Although facebook cares its users, it is lagging in some areas. Still the users facing the problem of  
facebook keeping user-deleted contents.

List of top 10 CEO overachivers

CNN recently posted a list of 100 CEO's who led their companies to outperform the S&P last year and got paid lowest for their efforts. CNN money collected a huge list of 100 CEO's with their company and salary details in their website. These CEO's played an important role in their company's stock rise and paid very low salary. This report also shows the efforts taken by each CEO with a period of time. The another interesting thing is CEO's of wellknown companies Apple, Dell and Microsoft are included in the top 10 list. Steve Jobs of Apple is the top of the list with total pay of $1. Let we see the top 10 overachivers.

Facebook updates new tools for Notes

Social Networking Giant Facebook now makes it easier to compose notes and introduces live video stream. This new feature is designed to make more userfriendly and easier to find and create notes. In previous version of notes, the user faced uncomfortness when composing notes. So it is a welcome news for the facebook users who are all using notes for their self and business usage. Novati explained in the official blog of facebook about the new tools for facebook notes. He also described it with a snap of 'Write a note' in the official blog of facebook. The menu option for notes also has redesigned by the developers.

How to choose the best advertising agency? - Blogger Special

"Make money within months without any investment" - This is what the banner ads of many new advertising agencies are saying recently. People are trapped  into the nets of these advertising agencies and after robbing all the hard work done by the bloggers these agencies leave the bloggers without paying money.This post will bring you an idea about how to choose the advertising company and how to get the best of them. Even there are many ad networks for publishers, i have listed some of the best networks that are most of the bloggers used to earn money in a better way.

Google reaches malware milestone

Google made its popularity by forefront search and web application innovation. But now Google is forefront in presenting the most malware. It is revealed that Google turns up more than twice the amount of malware than the combination of Bing, Yahoo and Twitter. This was identified by examining searches on more than 25,000 topics which showed more than 5.5 million results. According to Barracudalabs Google is the most visited site by the all users. So its a worrying news for Google users and they should take precautions for preventing malware.

Build your own Database applications and earn money

Buiding database applications is not an easy task. You should have neccessary tools to create them, especially you should have enough technical skills to develop them. Let we see the database creator application which is helpful for unemployed developers, part time job seekers, website and blog owners. You can market your products and earn money for your products.

Earn money online with Onbux

This is another one best online money making site that is being a best alternative to neobux. Many of neobux users are facing loading time problem when viewing thier ads. Also neobux is best one for premium members than free members. I have already suggest you all to use Cashium for PTC sites. If you want to know more about Cashium go here.

KDE 4.5 has released with 1723 new features and 16,022 bug fixes

Good news for all the linux folks now that KDE 4.5 has released. The KDE development team focused on the usability, performance and stability of previously introduced new features and technologies. This KDE 4.5.0 contains 1723 new features along with 16,022 bug fixes. Some highlights of this feature including improved user experience, enhanced usability and map routing...etc.


List of top 20 Engineering Colleges in TamilNadu

The list of top twenty Engineering colleges are listed here. These colleges are based on Good Infrastructure, Placement, Quality in Education and Best Coaching. This list very useful for the students who are all looking for join in Engineering Colleges, for TANCET written students, students looking for doing M.E/M.TECH and M.C.A in TamilNadu.


List of colleges for M.TECH in TamilNadu

There are number of colleges providing M.TECH in TamilNadu. So here the list of colleges offering M.TECH which is useful for the students pursuing their B.TECH. If you are looking for specific course in M.TECH this list will surely useful for you. Students who are all written their TANCET and GATE should lookup this list to know about the total number of colleges providing M.TECH. You can search list of all colleges in India at the bottem of this post.

List of Colleges in India - Search by Category

Search Indian colleges by types Medical, Nursing, Law, Engineering, B.Ed, MBA, Arts and Science, Distance Education, Hotel management, University colleges and other colleges at one place here. You can search by state-wise category listed in Indiastudychannel. You also search by specific course. All the Indian
Colleges are listed here. So no problem for finding your expected college.

Rediff Adds Games to Social Media Initiative Mypage

The users of now enjoying with the new added facilty called 'Featured Games' on their Mypage. Users now spending their time for having fun on Mypage. First developers to bring their games to is The games are rendered on Rediff playGully. This is an another context for user engagement and elevates the fun dimension of My page.


Thunderbird 3.1.2 for Mozilla users

Thunderbird Logo
The developers of Mozilla Firefox have released latest version of Thunderbird 3.1.2. This latest update addresses several user experience concerns and improves the applications overall stability. They have been few improvements over the previous version 3.1 that fixes all the 7 reported bugs. The development team also extends the options for managing contacts in Thunderbird.

Earn money online with Cashium

I have found a site which pays you for viewing ads. You just spend less time online and view each ad with half a minute. With this you can earn $0.01 per each ad. You can also earn by referral ad views. Users can paritcipate in the cashium forum to disscuss with other users and can see payment proofs by the users. If you are looking for a best online money making method, i suggest you to go for Cashium.


Best colleges list based on TANCET 2010 MBA councelling

If you applied for TANCET councelling and looking for best colleges details, then have a look at here. Here are the list of best colleges which are filled from first day of the MBA councelling(TANCET 2010). It will help those who are applying for ME/M.TECH and MBA/MCA. Not only for currently applying students also it will help upcoming year students.


Check your hardware status in Linux

It is important to know the hardware status of our computer. There are many hardware devices in computer market. But we need to buy the best of all. When we are going to buy a new computer we should concern about the motherboard, RAM and battery. After buying the computer we must maintain it well and often we should check the hardware status, whether it is properly working or not.

Real time world on your desktop

Friends, today i come up with an interesting thing which is a wallpaper but it is not like general wallpaper you are seeing on the internet or using for your destop. Do you think what is the special in that? In this you can put the real time view of the earth on your computer desktop. Let we see the features of this wallpaper and some snapsshots. Also proceed reading upto the end of this article and you can download this amazing wallpaper for your desktop.



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