FantaZ - Play, Promote and Profit

I have seen many online game websites that allows us to play online games. But none allow you to win cash prizes and earning commissions. I have found a great site which allows you to spend your leisure time with earnings. FantaZ is the ultimate gaming destination where you can paly online games for free or win cash prizes. There are two login methods available in FantaZ palyer and ZBO(FantaZ Business Owner). As a ZBO user you can own business by inviting people and earn commissions and bonuses. For Game developers and Celebrities, FantaZ gives more opportunities.

Google Remains on Top with 72 Percent Search Shares

As per the latest report by Experian Hitwise, a popular research group which reports the top search terms, search engines in all over the U.S. According to the report the search engine hero Google remains in the top position with 72.15% search shares. Bing powered search, Yahoo, are listed after Google with 23.64%, 13.54 and 10.10% respectively. By overall the long word queries have reduced about 1% last month. According to month-over-month report, Google has 1% improvement while has 2% and has 4%. But Bing powered search and Yahoo search have -2% and -5% respectively. Hitwise tottally reported 70 search engines including Hitwise search engine.

Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerka) Is Ready To Release

The new version of Ubuntu which is dubbed as Maverick Meerka 10.10 is ready to relaease. This Ubuntu 10.10 version Open Source set to release on 10.10.10. Maverick Meerka comes with several new features. The chief improvement in Ubuntu 10.10 is that it is optimized for smaller netbook screens and mobile computing. The Unity user interface offers limited support for touch and host of a new, sleek and large fonts. Ubuntu one file sharing service allows consumers to synchronize with multiple devices. It will support in Windows and Mobile phones. Ubuntu One Basic available on free of charge including several features such as Synchronizing files, Contacts, Bookmarking and 2GB storage etc.

IIT JEE(Joint Entrance Exam) 2011 Notifications and Important dates

Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) has announced the notifications for JEE(Joint Entrance Exam) 2011 for the admisstion to undergratuate courses at all IITs, IIT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad. The important dates regarding application forms, examination schedule were announced by IIT. The candidates can apply from both online and offline. December 20 is the last date to send applicetion forms. The examination date is 20th April, 2011 for both papers(paper I and paper II). The original advertisement from Indian Institute of Technology is attached here below.


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