Orkut Bom Sabado Virus Problem Fixed and Profiles to be restored soon

Welcome news for all the Orkutters now, that the recent news in Internet world is Orkut Bom Sabado virus problem has removed. Already i have reminded about this virus problem and how to solve this by manually in Protect Your Orkut Account from Bom Sabado. Here i told about what is Bom Sabado, How to protect your account from Bom Sabado, Precautions to be taken to control Bom Sabado Worm by Manually. There is almost 5 million accounts have affected by Bon Sabado Orkut worm. According to the latest news the Orkut worm has removed says Google in its help forum. So users can continue to Orkutting but before you should take some neccessary actions which i told earlier.

GATE 2011 Important Dates, Announcements, Notifications

IIT Madras officially announced the important dates and other notifications for GATE 2011. This time Online exams are the newly added thing in GATE. The last date to send Online application form is October 27, 2010 and for Offline exam it is November 02, 2010. So the students who are willing to apply for GATE should aware of these important dates and notifications. Here i have listed a complete set of notifications and important dates for GATE 2011. Keep reading by subscring newsletter to know the next GATE announcements, GATE Application form details for Online and Offline exams, GATE preparation materials and guide, GATE model question paper and previous year GATE papers, Solved GATE papers...etc.

GATE 2011 Application form issuing Zones, Banks and its Branches

Many Students having the doubt of where to get the Application forms for GATE exam. Here i listed the Bank and its branches names of corresponding Zones. You can visit directly to this branches with an amount of Rs. 1000/500 as listed in GATE 2011 Important Dates, Announcements, Notifications. You can get a hard copy of application form for Offline examination in the branches. After filling the Application form with neccessary details you should send it to the appropriate Examination Centre which will be mentioned in the Information Booklet. Let find the below table to know about the GATE Application form issuing Zones, Banks with its Branches.

Protect your Orkut Account from Bom Sabado Virus

The latest news in internet world is about 'Bom Sabado'. It is not any famous person but the name Bom Sabado rulling around the whole internet world. Because world's most internet users are mostly on Orkut, Youtube and Twitter. A harmful virus disease can easily spread among highest population countries likewise the harmful Bom Sabado looking to spread in all orkut account. The latest news says Bom sabado hitted over 5 million account with in few hours. When i was trying to open my Orkut accout from Gmail, i could not see the Orkut tab over there. Then with in few hours the Bon Sabado news became very hot among the internet users. I still believe many of the users unaware about this. Let we see about Bom Sabado and how to protect your accouts from this virus.

Cyber Crime Report by Panda Labs and Norton

A recent investigation by one of the familiar antivirus developer Panda Labs discovered that Cyber criminals are creating 57,000 new fake websites with in a week. They also looking to imitate and exploit approximately 375 high-profile brands. Ebay, Amazon, Paypol and Visa are heavily affected by these spammers. And the interesing in that there are approximately 3 million fake websites created in an year. So it is a important news for all the consumers, they should be in careful while visiting these kind of fake websites. The recent report by Panda labs also showed that there are 65 percent of internet users globally affected by fakes.

Top ten Entrepreneur mistakes

Rosalind Reslink, the business consultant listed the top ten mistakes made by the start-up entrepreneurs. The youthful inexperience is one of the main obstacle in this. But the start-up entrepreneurs should known about these these things that may help them to avoid from these mistakes. The young entrepreneurs, they have few to lose and everything to gain. According to a recent survey report, the young entrepreneurs makes unique mistakes when they starting a business. By concentrating the solution of these mistakes they surely win in their business in their life.

IBM launches Guardium database security software

I hope you are know about, IBM bought the Guardium in 2009. Now it releases the new update of the this database software. Guardium is a maker of tools for monitoring and securing sensitive databases, with the aim of helping administrators deal with growing compilance and security pressures. Guardium products have two parallel functions that carry out real time-monitoring to detect and prevent suspicious activity and to automate and streamline regularity compilance tasks. This technology mainly used for Administrators to scan databases for vulnerabilities and test them using industry best practices.

GoDaddy.com Is For Sale

The world's largest internet domain selling website GoDaddy.com is for sale and it is estimated that it may fetch upto $1 billion. The sales of GoDaddy.com currently has more than $43 million domains under management. GoDaddy.com is owned by Bob Parsons who is the CEO and Founder of the GoDaddy. This company is welknown for advertising with ad featuring 'GoDaddy Girls'. It is also estimated that GoDaddy.com had sales of between $750 to $800 in 2009. So it is a great one for Parsons to sale his website with higher than his competitors.

Champions League Twenty20 Live Streaming

Ooo la la la le o...The second edition of the world cup of club cricket is kicked off in Johanesburg. After the successful of IPL the cricket boards from India, Australia and South Africa combinly introduced the Champions League Twenty20 in 2009. In the first edition of CLT20 there were lot of players who became fame Pollasrd(WI), Bravo(WI), Smith(WI), Hauritz(AUS), Smith(WI), Bollinger(AUS) were also sold good rates in IPL bids. So it is a chance for youngsters to enter into the pool of IPL. Now all the teams ready to roar in this most entertaining cricket series after IPL. Now its the great pleasure for online user that there is an facility to watch all the matches live streaming of the CLT20. Click here to watch the live matches.

Google Instant Search - New search enhancement

Google Instant is a new search enhancement feature by google that predicts what you are searching for and shows results as you type. The predicted search items listed in a drop down box by autocomplete technology. When you continue to type, both predicted queries and search results change. Google instant search works only in US and who are logged in into Google account in selected countries outside the US. Google instant starting to rollout to user on Google domains in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia who are all using the Chrome 5.0/6.0, Firefox 3.0, Safari 5.0 for Mac and Internet Explorer 8.0 web browsers. The main thing is this feature does not kill SEO and impact on web page ranks. Currently it is not available on mobile phones and Google planning for releasing it soon.


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