Orkut Bom Sabado Virus Problem Fixed and Profiles to be restored soon
According to Doree the employer of Google, "we have contained the "Bom Sabado" virus and have identified the bug that allowed this and have fixed it. We're currently working on restoring the affected profiles. Thanks a ton to each of you who's made an effort to alert everyone else about this. I'll make sure to keep you guys posted on more updates".
The statement from Doree is below here,
Orkutting but before you should take some neccessary actions which i told earlier. It shows Google takes quick actions to contain Bom Sabado. It gives the Orkutters some hope to stay back their favorite Social Networking site. Orkut is very popular in India and Brazil also average numbers of users in other parts of the world. Being one of the largest Social network, it is a responsibility for the Engineers in Google taking corrective actions to contain Bom Sabado. They doing like so.
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